The Annual Rent Guideline Increase for 2024 is 2.5%
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Resolutions from the Tenant Summit

From the Tenant Summit of October 26th 2002, the following statements will be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations for approval in principle for use in the upcoming year:


The 1998 Tenant Protection Act has failed in its experiment with "market rent control" and the Tribunal has completely failed to protect tenants. A new Act with real rent control and real protection for tenants must become law by the end of 2003.


1. We agree with the City of Toronto in calling for a rent roll back to 1998 levels. Tenants who moved in to their units since 1998 should receive rollbacks of 15% to 25%.
2. After stability in rents, a fair system of rent control must be implemented.
3. There must be a workable, fair "cost no longer borne" provision to the Act.

4. The former Landlord and Tenants Act and the Rental Housing Protection Act should be re-enacted.
5. Housing is a right in every neighbourhood
6. Access to legal rights shall be improved by ensuring that all barriers (including time, travel, language, cost, legal resources, etc) are removed as impediments, and that advocacy resources for tenants are adequately funded.
7. There must be an Ombudsperson for tenants as recommended by tenants of Toronto Community Housing Corporation.
8. Property Standards must be strengthened by increasing the number of inspectors, by being pro-active, and by being modeled on the restaurant inspection system.
9. Tenants shall be free to organize or otherwise pursue rights (and legal standing) without fear of harassment and without any interference.

10. . All levels of government need to address housing supply and affordability with a new non-profit housing program.
11. . Homelessness must be ended within five years.
12. . Property tax on rental units must achieve equity with the rates for homeowners by 2006. This shall not be achieved by cutting any social programs or other services, but will require homeowners and businesses to pay their fair share. Alternately, property tax should be scrapped in favour of a municipal income tax as was recently recommended by a City of Ottawa task force.
13. . There should be a "new deal" for municipalities that allows for retaining a portion of sales tax and fuel taxes.
14. . Landlords should be licensed in buildings of three units or more. Every landlord must post a certificate that demonstrates that they have the necessary information on the laws governing residential tenancies.
15. . The Tenant Non-Profit Redevelopment Corporation needs to be revived to allow for the sale of private rentals to the public sector at a fair price.

October 25, 2002

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