Anna Mehler Paperny
Globe and Mail Update
Published Thursday, Mar. 17, 2011
Case Ootes, interim managing director of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, has fired CEO Keiko Nakamura.
Ms. Nakamura has been resisting calls to resign since asked to do so by Mayor Rob Ford after a pair of auditor's reports found inappropriate employee expenditures and "pervasive" flouting of the housing corporation's own procurement policy.
Her departure, effective March 25, comes after the TCHC's entire board was purged, and after former CEO Derek Ballantyne was asked to leave his position as chief operating officer at Build Toronto.
A statement from the housing corporation Thursday afternoon said Mr. Ootes "has concluded that in light of recent events at the housing corporation and the report from the City of Toronto's Auditor General, a fresh start is needed in the office of the CEO."
Mr. Ootes, who effectively became a proxy for the TCHC's dissolved board last week, is the only person with the authority to force Ms. Nakamura to step down.
"I have concluded that because of recent events, Ms. Nakamura continuing as CEO would be a substantial distraction for the corporation in its efforts to provide affordable housing to low- and moderate-income residents," Mr. Ootes is quoted as saying in the statement.