The Annual Rent Guideline Increase for 2024 is 2.5%
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Tenants Say that Flimsy Law Leaves Door Open for "Renovictions"

A group of tenants evicted from their homes at 795 College Street for renovations  are shocked that their landlord was legally able to kick them out and re-rent their apartments to new tenants, at substantially higher rents.


The tenants, some of whom have remained in the city, are pursuing further legal action.


The term “renovictions” describes a situation where sitting tenants are asked to move out for renovations by their landlord who subsequently rents out their apartments again for higher rents. This is despite legal protections which allow tenants to move back into their units after renovations are complete- at almost the same rent.


In this case, it appears the protections for tenants are flimsy at best and the Ministry of Housing has gotten involved to see if any offences under the Residential Tenancies Act have taken place.  Peter Milczyn, Minister for Housing, has directed his staff to look into this situation further to see if changes to the law are warranted.


To read more, please visit:

  1. Tenants say ‚Äòflimsy’ law opens door to ‚Äòrenovations’


  1. Housing minister aims to curb ‚Äòrenovations’


April 10, 2018

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