** Stephen Gaetz, Tanya Gulliver & Tim Richter
Over the past 10 years we have learned much about what to do to end homelessness –
the need to shift from a focus on managing the problem (through an over-reliance on
emergency services and supports) to a strategy that emphasizes prevention and, for
those who do become homeless, to move them quickly into housing with necessary
supports. The success of the At Home/Chez Soi project demonstrates that with housing
and the right supports, chronically homeless people can become and remain housed.
While there are still areas that need work – we need more robust solutions for youth
homelessness, women fleeing violence and Aboriginal homelessness – we are figuring
out solutions on the intervention side.
The one missing piece of the puzzle, however, is affordable housing. The decline in
availability of low cost housing (and in particular, rental housing) affects many
Canadians – young people setting out on their own, single parents, people working
for low wages and the elderly. It also contributes to the homelessness problem in a
significant way.
The State of Homelessness in Canada 2014 sets the course for ending homelessness in
Canada. We know quite well what factors have contributed to the dramatic increase in
homelessness over the past 25 years. Since we know what the problem is, we can
propose the solution.
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