The Annual Rent Guideline Increase for 2024 is 2.5%
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Racist Landlords Are Making Toronto's Housing Crisis Worse

From budget cuts to gentrification to a dismally inadequate shelter system that leaves many homeless people exposed to fatal temperatures in the winter months, Toronto's housing market is in crisis.


Deeply entrenched systems of discrimination make the search for housing much more difficult for many marginalized groups including people with disabilities, people who are low income or receive social assistance, single parents, and new immigrants, members of LGBTQ2 communities, people with criminal records, and people transitioning out of homelessness or incarceration. The pressure is also felt by racialized people, even middle-class and professional workers.


Studies have shown that along with new immigrants and people of African descent, Indigenous people experience particularly high rates of housing discrimination in Canada, a country built on dispossession of land through violence and fraudulent treaty processes.


The article delves into illegal deposits, covert discrimination and specifically the prejudice faced by single mothers and indigenous and racialized people. To read the full article, visit:

March 30, 2016

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