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Ontario Launches Public Consultations to Improve Access to Affordable Housing

Ontario is launching consultations to support a renewed Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy to ensure that the document supports the Province's goals of improving outcomes for people and ending homelessness. 

As referenced in the Poverty Reduction Strategy, the Province is aiming to end homelessness by making investments in homelessness prevention, expanding access to supportive housing, and investing in more affordable housing. Ontario is updating the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy so that housing policies are relevant to current realities and reflect new research, best practices, and the housing needs of Ontarians.

The Consultation Discussion Guide outlines the progress of the current strategy, future goals and areas where more input from partners is needed. Participants can submit their views to the government online, by telephone or in writing by July 3, 2015.

To read more, visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website at:

April 21, 2015

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