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International Tenants Month! September 3rd to October 3rd - Updated!

This year, the FMTA is teaming up with several organizations in the GTA to hold our first annual International Tenants Day!

What is International Tenants Day?

International Tenants Day is an annual event coordinated by the Swedish-based International Union of Tenants. It aims to promote tenant rights around the world while creating awareness of tenant issues.

International Tenants Day takes place on October 3rd this year.

What is happening for International Tenants Day in Toronto?

Several agencies are teaming up this year to turn International Tenants Day into International Tenants Month! We'll be running a series of workshops, summits, rallies, report-releases and media work. Fact sheets and other materials will also be created. Dates for September events will be released in the near future!

The following dates have been confirmed:

September 8, 2011

Metro Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Street, 2nd Floor Auditorium

Vote for Housing presents: Provincial Election Debate on Livable and Affordable Housing with the Candidates for Toronto Centre

Doors open 6:30 p.m., debate 7-9 p.m.

Toronto Centre Candidates:
Martin Abell, Conservative Party (invited)
Cathy Crowe, New Democratic Party (confirmed)
Mark Daye, Green Party (confirmed)
Glen Murray, Liberal Party (confirmed)

No registration required.
For more information: [email protected] or (416) 351-0095 x257 or

September 14th, 2011

519 Church St. Community Centre.

ACTO presents: Provincial Election 2011 forum - Housing Rights, Tenant Rights


What the government needs to do to end the housing crisis and what the parties have promised,

September 15th, 2011

The Hub - 1527 Victoria Park Av. East, 2nd floor

Family Service Toronto presents: All Party Public Forum

7-9pm (registration at 6:30pm)

This forum will feature local political candidates from the major parties, Laurie Monsebraaten from the Toronto Star and will focus on afforbale housing and the benefits of a housing benefit.

RSVP by Sept. 8 - Email Liyu Guo at [email protected] Or call 416-595-9230, x244. Space is limited. Contact by Sept. 8th if you need support in order to attend this forum (e.g. child minding &/or
TTC tokens).

September 20th, 2011

Multi-Faith Centre, University of Toronto, 569 Spadina Ave

North American Muslim Foundation presents: A forum on Housing and Homelessness

9am-3pm (registration at 8:30am)

An interfaith and intercultural dialouge on housing and homelessness with speakers including Michael Shapcott and Senator Hugh Segal.  To register call 416-299-1969 x 26 or e-mail [email protected].

September 26th, 2011

City Hall

Rally for Toronto Coalition presents: Rally for Toronto


The Rally for Toronto Coalition is aiming to highlight the impacts cuts will have on communities in Toronto.

October 1st, 2011

Ryerson University Podium Building, POD 205, 350 Victoria Street (near Gould and Victoria)

FMTA & Friends present: 2011 Tenant Summit!

10am - 2:30pm

The Tenant Summit will combine wokrshops on tenants rights, speakers and the release of the FMTA's "State of the Unit" report on tenant issues in the GTA. Registration required. Please register at 416-646-1772 or at [email protected]

October 3rd, 2011

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 777 Bay Street

International Tenants Day Rally


Come out and show your support for tenant rights in the City.

How you can participate in International Tenants Day?

Are you interested in turning International Tenants Day into International Tenants Month?

The goal of International Tenants Day is to promote pride in being a tenant, garner some media and political attention to tenant issues and to unite tenants and agencies into a show of force.

You can help in a variety of ways: by promoting events, helping to organize some of the activities or reports, making your events part of International Tenants Day, handing out the flyers and fact sheets, or simply participating in the wide array of activities. Contact [email protected] or call 416-646-1772 for more information!

August 01, 2011

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