Toronto Elections is asking you to "Get on the list!"
Are you on the voters' list? It's important that you are as it makes voting fast and easy - and it's as simple as 1, 2, 3 to get on the list:
1. Call 311 to find out if you are on the voters' list.
2. If you're not on the list or if there are changes needed simply complete a Voters' List Change Request form. This form is available on our website for download or can be mailed to you.
3. Mail the completed form along with a photocopy of your acceptable identification to us, or visit any one of the City Clerk's Offices in person with your acceptable identification by October 15.
It's as simple as that.
You can still vote even if you're not on the voters list. Show up to your voting place with acceptable identification and you can be added to the list when you go to vote.
For more information on getting on the voters' list, acceptable identification or to download a Voters' List Change Request form visit our website.