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FMTA Annual General Meeting 2020

Saturday, September 26, 2020
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Zoom meeting (calls or video conferencing accepted)
Rob Field (Board Chair) · · 4166461772

Hello Members and Friends!

Join the FMTA for our 46th Annual General Meeting on Saturday September 26th, 2020 at 10:00am. Registration will start at 9:30am. 

Location: Due to the pandemic and to ensure everyone's continued safety, this meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Members who RSVP will receive a Zoom link invitation to the meeting before the AGM. 


  1. Call to Order (Welcome and Opening Remarks)
  2. Adoption of the Agenda
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes:       June 06, 2019
  4. Reports:
  • Chair
  • Financials:
    • 2019 Audit Statement
    • Appointment of the 2020 Auditor
  • Membership
  • Communications
  • Executive Director

5. Bylaw Amendment

6. Board Elections

  • Nominating Committee Report
  • Nominees
  • Intros and brief speeches
  • Election Process

7. Wrap-up and Adjournment

Notice of Bylaw Amendment

The FMTA Board of Directors' intend to introduce an amendment to FMTA By-Law 1, s. 2 (Membership), to be voted upon at the organization's Annual General Meeting. Under Section 8 of the FMTA Constitution, 14 days' written notice to members is required in order to introduce a by-law amendment at an AGM. Such an amendment must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the meeting. Please receive this as notice of the proposed by-law amendment.

The proposed by-law change will clarify the meaning of the term "immediate family" in reference to by-law s. 2(b) which excludes "[o]wners and managers of rental residential property, their immediate family and their employees..." from membership in the FMTA. This phrase, as it stands, is not clear as to what constitutes "immediate family." It will also provide further detail into the exclusion of "[o]wners and managers of rental residential property" and the scope of that exclusion.

Hope to see you there!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

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