The Annual Rent Guideline Increase for 2024 is 2.5%
Tenant Hotline: 416-921-9494

Current Campaigns to Help Tenants During Covid-19


Eviction Enforcement Has Been Postponed indefinitely in Ontario! Thanks to the agencies who helped make this happen.


Please sign and share the following campaigns to help tenants and the public during the Covid-19 pandemic:


Tenant Support

1) The FMTA has released a petition calling for the Stopping of Rent Payments for April 1st in Ontario. 

2) Toronto ACORN has set up a letter you can send to politicians calling for an eviction ban along with Rent Flexibility, EI for All and a Loan Payment Freeze.

3) Parkdale Organize is calling for tenants in Toronto to keep their rent for April 1st.

4) The Right to Housing in Toronto group has issued a letter to various levels of government that you can sign to support asking them to implement several policies to ensure everyone has a safe and affordable place to live during the pandemic.  

5) There's a large scale (almost 500K) petition calling for the cancelling of rent and mortgage payments. 

6) Sanctuary Health is fundraising for people with precarious or no immigration status. 

7) Lead Now has a large scale (almost 50K) petition calling on the Federal Government to stop rent, evictions and utility payments during COVID-19



8) The Social Justice and Housing Network has a petition and released an open letter and recommended plan of action for protecting our homeless community and preventing pandemic spread among the population.  


Remote Communities

9) Physicians that work in northwestern Ontario have sent a letter outlining the urgent need to increase nursing services to remote Northwestern Ontario communities.


Workers and Wages

10) The Broadbent Institute has released a petition to help workers via reform to income support.

11) The $15 and fairness campaign has a petition calling for urgent Health Emergency Labour Protections (H.E.L.P.) including 21 paid emergency leave days for ALL, greater access to employment insurance and an emergency fund.

12) Campaign 2000 is calling for an increase to the Canada Child Benefit to provide $1,800 per adult and per child for those living below the poverty line.  

13) Maggie's is running a fundraiser/donation campaign to support sex workers whose income has been affected by Covid-19 as well as a guide on "Sex Work During Covid-19"

Transit Costs

14) TTC Riders have set up a letter you can send Mayor John Tory calling for the suspension of the collection and enforcement of transit fares. 



March 16, 2020