A representative of Canadian Pensioners Concerned appeared before the City of Toronto's budget committee pleading to have the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations spared from planned cuts in the 2011 budget.
Toronto Star: A litany of beefs and pleas
Published On Wed Jan 19 2011
Daniel Dale and Paul Moloney Urban Affairs Reporters
Here's a sampling of what about 90 speakers told councillors Wednesday night at simultaneous public consultation meetings on the Toronto city budget, held at the North York Civic Centre and East York Civic Centre.
Transit and arts funding were popular issues among a diverse set of topics. Individuals or groups were required to sign up in advance; each got five minutes to speak.
Issue: Cuts to the No. 8 and No. 56 bus routes at night on weekends and holidays
"The fact that these buses are deemed to be underused should be meaningless. All parts of the city need access to public transit, whether there is one person on the bus or 40."
Name: Margaret Watson
Group: Canadian Pensioners Concerned
Issue: Proposed $100,000 cut to Tenant Defence Fund
"We hope that councillors do not want to put more residents at risk of homelessness."
Name: Carol Wilding
Group: Toronto Board of Trade
Issue: Toronto's fiscal position
"We are happy to see the implementation of a much-needed course correction and fiscal culture change at city hall. One need only look at the bottom line to see that Mayor Ford is serious about change."
Name: Mary Milne
Group: Toronto Drop-In Network
Issue: Cuts to services benefitting the poor, insufficient funding of Community Partnership and Investment Program
"We are very concerned about this budget and the untenable burden being placed on the poorest individuals and families across the city."
Name: Karen Buck
Group: Citizens for a Safe Environment, other environmental groups
Issue: Preserving the rebate program for low-water-flow toilets, which is up for elimination
"It seems that that's a win-win-win: water consumers save money, and residential and business taxpayers save money."
Name: Claire Hopkinson
Group: Toronto Arts Council
Issue: Increasing per capita arts funding from $18 to $25
"If you want to grow Toronto's economy, invest in the arts."