The Annual Rent Guideline Increase for 2024 is 2.5%
Tenant Hotline: 416-921-9494

Affordable Internet for TCHC Residents

TCHC has recently unveiled a new program for their residents.

The CONNECTED FOR SUCCESS TM program is committed to offering an affordable Internet solution for youth, seniors, singles, and families currently living in Toronto Community Housing.

Rogers and Compugen are partnering with TCH in the provision of low cost internet ($9.95 month) and computers fully loaded at $150.00 + tax exclusively for TCH residents.

How do residents find out about this offer?

There are 4 ways to find out:

‚Ä¢ Letter: Eligible residents will receive a letter from Rogers Communications in the mail explaining the program and the offer. Each letter will contain an unique PIN Code for each resident that they will need to quote when they will call in to Rogers and Compugen to take advantage of the offers. 

‚Ä¢ Newsletter: An article will appear in the fall edition of the Resident Connection newsletter

‚Ä¢ Posters: There will be posters within TCH buildings and high traffic areas near TCH buildings.

‚Ä¢ Website: Rogers Communications website, Rogers Youth Fund‚Ñ¢ 

All TCHC tenants interested in this program can call 1-866-689-0758 for more info, or speak to your local engagement staff.

September 26, 2013

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