Residents of 87 Jameson in Parkdale are fiercely protesting both the state of disrepair of their building and concurrent exorbitant rent increases. Long time residents routinely go without heat, water and other vital services; contend with pest infestations including mice and bedbugs; struggle with barriers facing people needing mobility devices and a host of other issues. At the same time, building manager Metcap Living has applied to the Landlord and Tenant Board to raise the rent above the guideline, 3% more than the 1.5% increase allowed by the provincial government, to pay for capital repairs such as roofing, new boilers and fences on balconies.
As the neighbourhood rapidly gentrifies, this indicates a trend towards pushing out long-time tenants through a form of economic eviction by unreasonably raising the rents or waiting for a tenant to vacate their unit before making cosmetic improvements and subsequently jacking up the rent. By making it near impossible for low-income tenants to rent in a neighbourhood, it changes the very character of the neighbourhood.
Tenants at 87 Jameson are fighting back: taking to the streets to protest conditions at their building, formally challenging their Above Guideline Rent Increase at the Landlord and Tenant Board and some are withholding all or part of their rent as remonstration for the landlord’s neglect in effectively making indispensable repairs.
To follow this developing story in more detail, please visit:
Tenants at 87 Jameson Ave in Parkdale go on Rent Strike:
No Repairs, No Rent- Parkdale Residents Say they Won’t be Bullied into Paying More
Parkdale Tenants Take to the Street to Fight Rent Hike:
Parkdale Tenants on Rent Strike After Landlord Demands Rent Hike: